Welcome to The Adelphi

The Adelphi is an ideal rest and shopping stopover after a busy sightseeing day.


Affectionately valued by the locals for its wide stock of entertainment, equipment, numismatics, memorabilia, shops and accessories, The Adelphi features an adept mix of offices and retail throughout its ten floors. Renowned for the best audio gear in town, The Adelphi also offers excellent beauty and spa services.


In our efforts to support and embark on the Government’s Green Mark Project initiative, the MCST has collaborated with the Building & Construction Authority to pursue reduction in energy and water usage within the property.  For its efforts in this initiative, The Adelphi was listed among the TOP 10 Commercial Building under Mixed Developments during the period from 2014 to 2016.  It was also awarded the BCA Green Mark Platinum Award in March 2017.  The PUB has also awarded our building with the Efficient (Basic) Building in December 2016.